Godziny pracy dzisiaj dla Bershka

Zamkniete dzisiaj

Dziś zamknięte
  • Poniedziałek: Zamkniete
  • Wtorek: Zamkniete
  • Środa: Zamkniete
  • Czwartek: Zamkniete
  • Piątek (dzisiaj): Zamkniete dzisiaj
  • Sobota: Zamkniete
  • Niedziela: Zamkniete

Edytowac te Godziny otwarcia

🕗 Bershka Godziny otwarcia w Bruxelles, 1050

1050 CHAUSSEE DIXELLES, 60-64 Bruxelles, be
Tel: 02 2137090
Edycja szczegolow
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Bershka presents itself as a reference point for fashion targeting this increasingly demanding public and, in just 2 years, hasconsolidated its brand image in 100 shops;Today, 18 years on, the chain has over 1000 shops in more than 70 countries, with sales representing 9% of the total revenue of the group. Bershka has a sales area of over 455,000 square meters. The company's business encompasses the design, manufacture, distribution and sale of fashion in the shops.


Najblizszy Bershka sklepy, Bershka Bruxelles

Bershka Louvain-La-Neuve, Louvain-La-Neuve

PLACE DE L ACCUEIL, 10, 25.6 km

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Bershka Leuven, Leuven

DIESTSESTRAAT, 137, 24.7 km

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Bershka Gent, Gent

VELDSTRAAT, 56, 50.9 km

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Mango Brussel, Brussel

Ch. D'Ixelles 41, 50.0 m

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Chaussée d'Ixelles 59, 37.8 m

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Shoe Discount Elsene, Elsene

Elsensesteenweg 40, 29.8 m

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